Chapter Gathering Recap

Ken and Lorraine Morris delivered a captivating presentation on September 9th, shedding light on the remarkable B-17 G model. After flying into Galt Airport, they both shared a bit about themselves and impressed everyone in the room with their knowledge and piloting skills. Ken became an aircraft commander and has accumulated 38,000 hours to date. Lorraine flew cargo and now has 27,000 hours of flight time. The plane they flew is currently set up for a crew of three and ten passengers. The audience was transported back in time as they eloquently recounted the unique features and historical significance of this iconic aircraft.

The B-17 G model, a limited production gem, holds a special place in aviation history. Only 12,737 of these aircraft were ever built, and the fact that 5,000 were lost in combat speaks to the sacrifices made during World War II. The heart of the B-17 G model lies in its exceptional engineering and robust design. The biggest advantage is the nose. The installation of the machine gun under the nose of the aircraft allowed for increased defensive fire in the forward direction, making it more difficult for enemy fighters to approach from head-on under the nose of the aircraft.

Unlike modern aircraft with advanced electronic systems, the B-17 G is a true masterpiece of mechanical engineering. The plane operates solely on manual controls and cables, demonstrating the remarkable skill and dedication of the pilots and crew who flew these machines. This manual nature of the aircraft, relying on the expertise of its crew, was crucial for its success during the war.
Starting the B-17 G is no easy task, further emphasizing the teamwork required to operate this aircraft effectively. It takes two skilled individuals to start the airplane, highlighting the importance of coordination and communication between the crew members. This unique aspect of the B-17 G showcases the camaraderie and trust that existed among those who flew these magnificent machines into the heat of battle. This plane was also designed with a combined throttle and four engines.

In conclusion, Ken and Lorraine Morris’s presentation on the B-17 G model provided a profound insight into the historical, mechanical, and human aspects of this extraordinary aircraft. Their presentation left a lasting impression, reminding us of the courage and innovation that defined an era and the heroes who piloted these remarkable planes.
