President Report – Arnie Quast

Greetings EAA 932 Chapter Members,

Another month just passed by us, and we are headed into our warm weather flying season!  As these upcoming months come along, there is so much to look forward to with our chapter and things going around the airport.  I would encourage everyone in our chapter to become engaged, and to enjoy the great fellowship that EAA 932 has to offer.  Despite the challenges over the past two years, EAA 932 is alive and kicking!  We have approximately 75 members within our group.  I know it is impossible for everyone to attend all of our activities, but would like to encourage all of you to get involved.  I was thoroughly impressed with our most recent chapter gathering.  We held our first ever hybrid gathering to provide attendance offerings to everyone.  Our guest, Aaron Barclay from Chicago TRACON was amazing!  32 people attended in person, while 12 joined us online via Zoom.  We all learned a lot about what goes on in the TRACON, and in the airspace around Chicago.  A big “thanks” goes  out to Aaron for joining us!  The coming weeks and months will offer some really cool stuff for everyone to enjoy.  Stay tuned to our Galt News, along with postings on the “EVENTS” section of our chapter website which can be viewed at .

Have a great month, and I hope to see everyone around the airport!